EZ Digital Development LTD.
With three decades of dedicated effort, we have earned the trust of the industry with our stable and reliable products under the Y-Tech brand. We are long-term partners with major enterprises and government agencies throughout Taiwan.

Our Products
All our products have undergone SGS testing and certification, ensuring reliable quality and trustworthy performance.

Designated brand for major factories, government agencies, hotels, and hospitals.

壓縮空氣中的水氣與雜質,對產品與設備的破壞比你想像的更嚴重! 使用傳統冷凍乾燥機每年不僅需要耗材保養,更需耗費上萬元電費,效能更會隨時間降低! 使用 Y-Tech 壓縮空氣調理產品,不需耗材、免保養、免維護、不需電費,是小型空壓系統的絕佳乾燥過濾解決方案。(部份情況下可取代冷凍乾燥機) 1. Y-Tech 冷凝空氣乾燥器:適合小型及末端空壓系統,SGS認證壓力路點可達 6.3 ˚C 2. Y-Tech 調壓過濾器: 適合一般氣動應用,調壓、過濾、除水滴、微除油 3. Y-Tech 油霧過濾器:去除顆粒、氧化油等雜質,除油率達 99.9% 本公司為國內各大廠商、政府機關如長榮海運、台灣中油、台灣電力公司等之長期合作夥伴,並深受信任。產品皆通過 SGS 檢測合格。歡迎相關設備人員諮詢詢問! 詳細產品資訊:https://reurl.cc/xaANg4 加入官方 Line 快速詢價:https://lin.ee/mLc0NoRj 本公司致力開發提升施工效率之新型產品,長期與國內各大廠商及政府機構如台積電、長榮海運、台電等合作並深受信任。合作實績:https://www.yi-her.com/partners/
壓縮空氣中的水氣與雜質,對產品與設備的破壞比你想像的更嚴重! 使用傳統冷凍乾燥機每年不僅需要耗材保養,更需耗費上萬元電費,效能更會隨時間降低! 使用 Y-Tech 壓縮空氣調理產品,不需耗材、免保養、免維護、不需電費,是小型空壓系統的絕佳乾燥過濾解決方案。(部份情況下可取代冷凍乾燥機) 1. Y-Tech 冷凝空氣乾燥器:適合小型及末端空壓系統,SGS認證壓力路點可達 6.3 ˚C 2. Y-Tech 調壓過濾器: 適合一般氣動應用,調壓、過濾、除水滴、微除油 3. Y-Tech 油霧過濾器:去除顆粒、氧化油等雜質,除油率達 99.9% 本公司為國內各大廠商、政府機關如長榮海運、台灣中油、台灣電力公司等之長期合作夥伴,並深受信任。產品皆通過 SGS 檢測合格。歡迎相關設備人員諮詢詢問! 詳細產品資訊:https://reurl.cc/xaANg4 加入官方 Line 快速詢價:https://lin.ee/mLc0NoRj 本公司致力開發提升施工效率之新型產品,長期與國內各大廠商及政府機構如台積電、長榮海運、台電等合作並深受信任。合作實績:https://www.yi-her.com/partners/
連接冷媒銅管免焊接、免擴口、免鎖牙! Y-Tech 冷媒用快插接頭為歐美澳等國最先進的冷媒銅管工法,連接銅管只需插入即可快速連接,不需再使用傳統焊接或擴口鎖牙,10秒內即可完成施作,幫您省下大量時間和施工程序。 耐壓可達 60kg/cm²,通過 SGS 實驗室可檢測最大值 40kg/cm² 耐壓測試 適合使用情境: 1. 更換新機連接既有冷媒管線 2. 無法動火燒焊的場所 3. 暫時連接冷媒管路,如:清洗冷媒管 4. 高空作業、狹窄空間、需快速施工的場所 詳細產品訊息/安裝影片/耐壓測試看這邊:https://reurl.cc/LW4YbL 若有興趣歡迎加入官方 Line 諮詢及訂購:https://lin.ee/AdWgwEF 本公司致力開發提升施工效率之新型產品,長期與國內各大廠商及政府機構如台積電、長榮海運、台電等合作並深受信任。合作實績:https://www.yi-her.com/partners/
要更換鎖死的閥門真的超麻煩?其實只要使用 Y-Tech 速接管夾,就可以輕鬆更換閥門並重新接管! 安裝產品:Y-Tech 1-1/2" 速接管夾 產品型號:CN-100 使用情境:客戶 1-1/2" 柴油管更換閥門,切管更換後使用 Y-Tech 速接管夾成功快速重新接管 Y-Tech 速接管夾,不需動火焊接、車牙、車溝,使用扳手 5 分鐘以內即可完成管線連接 加 Line 快速詢價:https://lin.ee/mIJb6jo 更多產品資訊、安裝影片及規格說明:https://reurl.cc/6QZdMy ** 市面劣質仿製品、陸製品充斥,請認明 Y-Tech 全台唯一 SGS 認證產品,盜圖、仿冒必究 **
Customer Feedbacks

Company A: Precision manufacturing facility
Compressed Air Dryer - Proven excellent performance in real use scenario.

Company B: Prominent domestic deep-sea fishing company
Compressed Air Dryer - Installation of over 10 ships within fleet and increasing.

Company C: Fire protection company specializing in government projects
Repair pipe clamps - Allow clients to complete urgent projects within a short timeframe.
Fully stocked, Fast Delivery and Free International Shipping
Stock available for all sizes and models, free international shipping to all our sales region
* Shipping time varies and depends on shipping company
About Us
We have been deeply rooted in the Taiwanese market, providing high-quality and reliable products to various domestic industries under the brand Y-Tech. All our products undergo rigorous testing by third-party inspection agencies, receiving industry recognition and positive reviews for their performance and durability. Our clientele spans across the entire Taiwan, with notable achievements in various sectors:
- Cable Manufacturers: Huarong, Daya, Dashan, Hongtai, Datong, Hwaxin Lihua, Pacific
- Steel Structure Plants: CSC, CSC Construction, Chunyuan
- Shipbuilding Yards: CSBC, Ching Fu, CSBC Corporation, Sanyang
- Cement Plants: Taiwan Cement, Asia Cement, Universal Cement
- Food Processing Plants: Tong Ching, various breweries
- Chemical Plants: …